Yorkton and District Horticultural Society’s Fall Plant

24.9.2017 | 14:57

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with the Yorkton and District Horticultural Society’s Fall Plant Sale last week; to everyone who brought plants, worked at the plant tables,  answered gardening questions, and of course, to everyone who came and bought new garden treasures!  This is still a fine time to plant new additions to our gardens; in fact, it might be easier on the plants because they can settle in without the high temperatures of just a few weeks ago.

When you are planting your new additions, be sure to plant them at the same soil level they were growing previously.  Take care not to plant them too deep or too shallow, so that the roots are not exposed.  Water them in well, this helps to eliminate air pockets around the roots and move the soil in comfortably securely around the roots.  Do not cut them back yet, let the leaves continue working to produce food for the plant.  And if your plant is more delicate in nature, you may want to give it some winter protection for this first winter until it is well established.  This can be achieved by mulch or leaves banked around the base of the plant, or even wrapping the plant in burlap and surrounding it with a cardboard box.

Happy planting!

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